Sunday, 26 February 2012

Revision Guidance

Year 10 Mock Examination Tuesday 13 March 09:10 - 10:25

There are three main areas to revise:

                The Rise of the Nazi Party                      Government of the Third Reich                              Social Impact of the Nazi State
  Weimar Republic; Impact of Economic Problems;   Creation of the Nazi State; Methods of Control    Nazi Policies towards Women and the
                                                                                                                                                             Young                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Increasing support for the Nazi Party                       Opposition and Resistance                       Economic Changes; Nazi treatment of
Terms of the Treaty of Versailles

Why could Hitler gain ‘total power’?

Nature and purposes of education in schools for boys and girls

Reaction to the Treaty of Versailles

Significance of existing constitution and the role of Hindenburg and von Papen in 1932-33

Role and effectiveness of youth movements

The Spartacists

Reichstag Fire

Youth movements and preparations for the war, charity and military role during the war

The Kapp Putsch

Enabling Act

Emergence of rebel groups e.g. Edelweiss Pirates

Formation of the Nazi Party

Banning of political parties and trade unions

Role of women in families, society and employment

Occupation of the Ruhr

Night of the Long Knives

Changes to the role of women


Nature of Hitler’s role as Führer

Impact of economic policies on unemployment

Munich Putsch

Methods of control at national and local level

New Plan

Role of Stresemann in Germany’s recovery 1924-29

Role of the SS, concentration camps and local wardens

Construction of autobahns and rearmament

Introduction of a new currency

Laws restricting civil liberties

Changes in the living standards of German workers

Dawes Plan

Treatment of the press

Strength through Joy

Young Plan

Treatment of political parties

The importance of Nazi beliefs in Aryan supremacy and the ‘master race’

Entry into the League of Nations

Treatment of churches

The treatment of minority groups, for example Jews, gypsies and disabled people

Increasing support for the Nazis from different groups

Treatment of opposition groups

Changes in policies towards minority groups

Dramatic increase of Nazi support after 1929

Use of censorship

Escalating discrimination and persecution

Change of Nazi tactics to gain power

Role of Goebbels

Nuremberg Laws

Appeal of Hitler

Use of propaganda e.g. films, posters, rallies


Role of propaganda

Nature and extent of opposition and resistance

Final Solution

Work of SA

White Rose Group

Impact of the Wall Street Crash

Pastor Niemöller

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