Sunday 6 November 2011

1919-1923 German History Examination and Weimar Culture

'The Agitator' by George Grosz (1928)

In this week's lessons you will be sitting an examination on Germany 1919-23. You have been given a copy of the examination paper - you will be allowed to bring in two sides of notes to help you. If you were not in the lesson / have not been seen by me previously do see me to get an exam paper or you'll find things more tricky than necessary. The examination is very similar to the one you will face next June. It is crucial that your timed answers are as strong as possible. You need to learn from these opportunities.

If you have not completed any of the tests due to absence you need to complete them asap. Anyone who did not hand in homework because of absence needs to do so asap as well. If you are absent, you need to photocopy work / do assignments straight away as lessons follow on from each other and a certain 'law' dictates if you've missed a session, that is the one you'll be questioned on in the end.

In the second part of the session we will return to the Golden Years of Weimar and Wemar Culture.

In the lesson I will collect in all exams, any outstanding homework including the 1919-1923 Grids before the Parents Evening.

Any questions feel free to ask....

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