Friday, 13 January 2012

A* Assignment - Why did the answer gain the highest grade?

Here is your chance to explain why you feel the answer gained an A*. Do reflect on the comments of other students. Considering what is needed to get the highest grades by analysing student answers is a really useful process.

Sunday, 8 January 2012

Night of the Long Knives and Nazi Police State

Ernst Röhm

This week we will be analysing the reasons for, the events and the results of, the Night of the Long Knives.

We will then start to look at the nature of the Nazi Police State

Reminder: Students need to have reviewed their notes on the Consolidation of Power and researched the Night of the Long Knives for this week's lessons.

Assignment for 27 January 2011

Why was Hitler able to gain complete power in governing Germany in the years 1933-34? Explain your answer (16)
  •   In January 1933 a coalition government with Hitler as Chancellor was formed.
  •  In February 1933 a Dutch Communist was arrested and charged with setting fire to the     Reichstag.
  • In August 1934 Preisdent Hindenburg died.
To get the highest marks: 'The answer has sustained focus on the question. It offers an analysis supported by precisely selected and accurate material.' 13-16 Marks.

Ensure your Introduction 'defines and directs' - They should not provide a lengthy preamble or give lots of background (scores very little). E.g. why are these dates key, show you know it is a question about the consolidation of power. You might want to consider 'complete power'...

In the introduction prioritise what was really key.

You should go for 6 paragraphs on separate themes. Each with a Big Idea e.g. 'The Night of the Long Knives was of crucial importance in consolidating Hitler's power as it brought together his willingness to act when necessary, his preparedness to act utterly ruthlessly along with his desire not to antagonise external powerbases.

Analyse, don't narrate and think thematically.

Avoid sweeping generalisations.

Use bullet pointed factors, but don't be seduced by them. Other areas will be important and you most refer to 'other factors'. These three refer to Hitler's initial position as a head of a nationalist, rather than a Nazi one, the Reichstag Fire and his assumption of the role oFührer.

Avoid sweeping generalisations e.g. all the Germans hated the Jews; the Nazis gave the people what they wanted. History is invariably a mixture of greys, not just black and white.

In this assignment refer specifically to key events but also important themes e.g. seduction v supervision; anti communism; popular aspects of the regime; careful not to antagonise existing powerbases. Consider to what extent they had 'total control'.

Tuesday, 3 January 2012

Consolidation of Power 1933

Hitler commends the Enabling Bill to the Reichstag

Happy New Year Historians - This week we will be starting to look at the period after Hitler becomes Chancellor. We will be focusing particulalry on how the Nazis consolidated their power.

Reminder you have an exam / test on Hitler's Rise to Power 1928-33. Also you have the 9 mark question on Hitler's role in gaining power to hand in.