Wednesday, 14 December 2011

Merry Christmas

Happy Christmas Glastonbury Historians

Have a good break. I tried to find the most festive picture possible and I think we can all agree you can't get much more festive than this.

Assignments for Friday 6 January 2012

1. Describe the role of Hitler in helping the Nazis come to power (9).
2. Revise for the rise to power of the Nazis 1928-1933 Test.

Feel free to seek any assistance on the above two tasks or ask any questions about German History 1918-1945.

Sunday, 4 December 2011

Assignment Assistance

Your assignment due in on Thursday 8 December is as follows:

What factors were crucial in helping the Nazis came to power in January 1933? You could include the following in your answer and any information of your own. (16)
§  Nazi Party policies
§  Fear of Communism
§  Impact of the Wall Street Crash

Simple statement some relevant knowledge (1-4)
Developed statements - material which is mostly relevant and accurate (5-8)
Understands focus of the question - supports with sufficient accurate and relevant detail (9-12)
Sustained focus on the question. Analysis supported by precisely selected and accurate material (13-16)

Feel free to ask for any assistance